Thursday, September 30, 2010

Attack of the Cute!!!

Attack of the super cute robot!!!! No one will escape!!!
This is my cutest creation yet. I am hoping he gets accepted for the Robot 1.0 show at Blink Gallery..... Yes! "Attack of the Cute" will be representing at Blink's upcoming group show. This show will officially be my first participation in an art show in Buffalo, NY.

Denn Rodriguez Plush Robot
Denn Rodriguez Plush Robot


  1. i LOVE it!! Que cosita mas chula! Me encantan los colores tambien!
    Sabes que me haces pensar con esta pieza. No se porque pero siento que podrias diseñar kick ass doggie beds. Just a thought.

  2. Hehehe. I may want to start with doggie toys. :)
